This week's ResearchVR episode is a little more crowded than usual. During this year's Cebit, we've met, not just one, but THREE experts working on the use of AR to "make surgery great again".

Thomas Bedenk, Thomas Schüler, Igor Sauer

This week's ResearchVR episode is a little more crowded than usual. During this year's Cebit, we've met, not just one, but THREE experts working on the use of AR to "make surgery great again".

Thomas Bedenk studied Human Factors. After studies, he joins the software development wave working as a freelancer. That lead him to start his game studio. After seven years in the gaming industry, he joined another wave, this time VR and AR. Now he is a VR Consultant at Exozet Berlin, where he leads the VR / AR department.

Thomas Schüler is the recurring guest on our podcast - he was our first ever guest on this podcast, back in Episode 4. Other than being very important to ResearchVR family, he also did his Ph.D. about using VR technology in medical fields. Currently, works on VR for Engineers and VR for Medical applications at Virtual Spice.

Igor Sauer is an experienced surgeon at Charite Medical University Berlin, where he is the Head of Experimental Surgery AND Regenerative Medicine Department. He is a tech savvy surgeon, always on the lookout for new technologies that can improve his effectiveness in his life-saving job.


Virtual Spice
Charite Experimental Surgery