Christopher Hiller joined Nadia and Mikeal to discuss the ups and downs of maintaining Mocha - a JavaScript test framework that runs on Node.js and in the browser. Discussions included maintaining a popular project, getting funding, the challenges of having money, raising the profile of a project, focusing on the needs of a community, and managing burnout.

Christopher Hiller joined Nadia and Mikeal to discuss the ups and downs of maintaining Mocha - a JavaScript test framework that runs on Node.js and in the browser. Discussions included maintaining a popular project, getting funding, the challenges of having money, raising the profile of a project, focusing on the needs of a community, and managing burnout.

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Christopher Hiller – Twitter, GitHub, WebsiteNadia Eghbal – Twitter, GitHubMikeal Rogers – Twitter, GitHub

Show Notes:

Mocha - the fun, simple, flexible JavaScript test framework
mochajs/mocha on GitHub
Mocha on GitHub
Mocha on Open Collective
Mocha on npm

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