The past two episodes of the podcast have looked at earned media, with emphasis on generating editorial exposure in mainstream media and trade press.


{ EP 211- How to build a national media profile as the go-to expert in your space: Case study with Jake Moore; EP 212 - How owned media can lead to editorial exposure > Content Marketing for PR audiobook chapter }

In this episode, we stay with the earned media theme, but go deeper into the process of how to deal with journalists and producers in order to generate editorial exposure for our brand. Of course, what we're wanting to achieve through the media is to increase our reach, grow our influence and continue to strengthen our professional bona fides.

Today's guest is Chenoa Parr, a seasoned PR and media relations specialist from Liverpool.

Chenoa and host Trevor Young (aka 'The PR Warrior') dissect what it takes to grow a media profile. They cover a variety of topics and key points, including:

The importance of having your story and message clear in your mind before you start approaching the mediaBeing able to articulate what it is you do and stand for (as well as what your key areas of expertise are) - do you have a particular philosophy or viewpoint around key trends/topics/issues in your industry?The power of strong story hooks and angles for the media - how to do this strategically, on an ongoing basis, in order to get maximum results for your efforts?What makes a good story hook? What are the types of stories that journalists and broadcast producers are looking for?Tier 1 media vs tier 2 media - plus the opportunities around guest blogging and guesting on other people's podcasts.Journalists are all over Twitter - if you’re serious about media relations, you need to be on the platform.How can you help journalists? Share their content on social media, build relationships with them before pitching your story idea.Opportunities in radio for leaders and experts with a good story to tell and expertise to share.The danger of being too focused on yourself, your business and products - look outwards: why it's important to develop a story hook or ange that connects with a wider topic, issue or trend.Become a student of the media - do your homework before pitching!

Several big lessons spring from this discussion: (a) while a PR professional can be a terrific asset in helping you build your media profile, you can still play the media game effectively without one, and (b) media exposure can do wonders for your profile - Chenoa tells the story of the UK yoga instructor whose Facebook Live videos caught the attention of BBC London, which then ran story on her; down the track, a celebrity found the instructor via the story on Google. Terrific yarn!

Chenoa also reiterates during the interview: It's important, when pitching the media, to know about wider societal and business trends and issues generally, as well as those pertaining to your industry - this is critical if you want to be topical with your pitches, she says.




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