What does it take to generate 400 items of media exposure in the space of two years?

Well, that’s what Jake Moore has been able to do across 2020 and 2021.

And not just any media coverage: we’re talking tier 1 editorial exposure.

That is, coverage in the top media outlets such as BBC Radio, ITV News, CNBC, Sky News, Forbes, The Times, The Daily Mail, The Independent, Wired, Forbes and Al Jazeera. And that’s just a small portion of what he’s been able to achieve!

Jake is a cybersecurity specialist with ESET, a global software company that provides security solutions to businesses and consumers in more than 200 countries and territories.

In the space of a few short years, he’s stamped himself as a genuine go-to resource for all things cyber-security in the UK.

While earned media takes in speaking gigs at conferences and guest blogging and people saying nice things about you on social media - the guts of earned media is about getting mentioned in mainstream and trade press, and broadcast media. This is what’s going to boost not only your reach of your personal (and business) brand, but also your credibility and perceived authority in the marketplace (there’s a reason why we see so many “As seen in …” media logos featured on the homepages of personal brand websites).

But what’s involved in actually doing this? What’s required of the expert to make this happen: not once or twice, but over and over again on a consistent basis?

In this episode, Jake walks us through his media journey, covering topics such as:

The role relationships play when dealing with the media (hence, in the PR world this practice is called ‘media relations’)The role Twitter plays in real-time connection with journalistsJake’s daily practice of ensuring he’s prepared with story angles and ideasThe importance of timeliness in responding to media callsOutbound pitching of story ideas versus managing inbound media requestsHow to prepare for a media interview, including on-air Zoom callsBalancing personal brand vs employer brand when talking with the mediaThe role ESET UK’s PR agency plays in generating media coverageBlogging, and the power of creating headlines that hook readers (and the media)Do you need a personal brand website if you're working for a company?How YouTube helped prepare Jake for TV interviews with major media outlets

While ESET UK’s PR agency plays a crucial role in helping Jake generate exposure in the media, the key message here is preparation: doing what’s required to build relationships with journalists, editors and radio/TV producers.

Jake’s tips and lessons are relevant, even if you’re just starting out on your media relations journey, with no outside help.

If you're interested in extended your reach by leveraging third-party media, you won't want to miss this interview with Jake Moore!



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