Lacy Boggs is the founder and director of The Content Direction Agency, which provides content marketing strategy and writing services for personality driven businesses and brands.

In this episode of Reputation Revolution, Lacy and host Trevor Young discuss the concept of thought leadership marketing, and why it's important for business leaders to make the time and space to do the deep work - to think things through - to actually tease out good ideas out and bring them to life in the real world.

In this conversation, Trevor and Lacy cover:

the power of long-form content,how it can help business leaders become better known and more trusted in the marketplacehow business leaders can use thought leadership marketing to influence the conversation within their industryBeing strategic about what leaders can outsource vs the 'big ideas' that can only come through them if they want to be valued as a thought leader.

If you want to improve your leadership marketing and increase your value as a thought leader in your industry, start with making the time to listen to this conversation.






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