Nic Hayes runs Media Stable, a company that connects thought leaders with traditional media outlets wanting experts to comment on topical issues.

Given his company represents 450 professional experts, Nic is well placed to see both sides of the media exposure coin: (a) what does the media want in an expert commentator, and (b) what can experts do to make themselves a more appealing interview subject for journalists and broadcast media hosts.

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In this wide-ranging chat with Trevor Young, Nic explains how journalists, editors and producers are constantly on the lookout for expert talent, thought leaders who can add value to the stories they're pulling together for their audience.

He says understanding the media outlet you're pitching too is crucial, so too is having a strong news hook that will grab the journalist or producer straight away.

Other tips from Nic:

Make yourself available! Professional experts are very busy people but they still make the effort to take the media's calls at a moment's notice. Journalists are often on a tight deadline: if you can help them with their story in a timely fashion, that gets noticed!Deliver the best possible interview that you can - "that will get you asked back", says Nic.Provide great quotes and soundbites that will help bring the media's stories come to life.

Importantly, there are opportunities at the lower end of the media scale that over time can help professional experts gain experience and confidence so when a more prestigious media outlet comes calling, the expert is ready to deliver a high standard of commentary.  

Nic also provides examples of some of Media Stable experts who are generating valuable editorial exposure by providing the media exactly what they're after.

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