Meat & Potatoes:

Tell us about your connection to Bull SnakesThe care for Bull snakes (40 min +)All other fascinating info about bulls etcHow do you feel they are best kept?Average keeper vs. breeder (39:40 min)Pet style or breeder efficient styleWhat climate do they prefer? (40:45)
How do you achieve that in consideration with the various other species you keep?Ambient85 in peak summer (43:00)80 regularlyGenetics & Locality (52:00)Double hets (54:00)Simple recessive exclusively (57:00) - InbreedingWild type multi hets (58:00)Locality phenotypes - color & size (59:00)ProsGreat petsSetup nice in naturalistic enclosuresHumidity is not normally an issueDon’t need a lot of heatThey are good eatersActive during the morning and early evening (crepuscular)Can be very handleable with patienceAwesome personalitiesConsGenerally can be high strung/nervousToo much heat can make that nervousness worseThey don’t like a lot of activity or movement (visual stimuli)Poop! They can be messyEtc.Wild type win (55:40)Coachwhips (1:12:00)Snake size and maximum sizes versus adult sizesFreedom breeder tubsBreeding (1:30:00)Stop feeding in November and then start brumation on Black FridayPull them out of brumation in 12 weeks - wait 5 days for 1st feedingKeep feeding until the first shed out of brumation (a couple of weeks) - Pre-ovulation shed and then pair them up2nd shed after is the pre-lay shed10-14 days they lay eggs - they almost never use a nest box
PRO TIP! Pull the water bowl before the 10th dayPull eggs and place into egg boxes - 6qt tote with 2 air holes - perlite (drier than you would expect) - 80°Hatch date is typically 56-60 days (depends on temp)Too hot can cause deformitiesWhat's coming down the pipe for your bulls and the rest of your projects?Prove out poss hetsStillwater Hypo Patternless het Miami Axanthic poss het albino x Trumbower Hibino (Hypo Albino) het Patternless and Bullum Axanthic !!!Whitesided, albino, patternless, hypos, axanthicsWhat do you see for the future of bull snakes and do you think more people should be keeping them?The future is bright for bullsnakes! More morphs...more localitiesPlan ahead and contact bullsnakes breeders now! Don’t wait!Their popularity is on the rise!

Closing comments/wrapping up/ throwing out contact info and the season's production for people to watch out for

Carpet Fest 2020 - Facebook Group Link Here

Final remarks. plugging for the next episode. etc.

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