To many people the real estate market may seem unpredictable, and the very real fear of losing money has been a huge psychological hurdle to overcome.  Many investors don’t want to be at the mercy of the economy and the banks.

My guest today has found a way to circumvent that fear and risk by investing in real estate on His Terms.  Chris Prefontaine is rewriting the rules of real estate and coaching investors on how to scale and automate their business without using their cash or credit.  His family business has done over $80 Million in real estate transactions.

Chris is also the Best-Selling author of 2017’s “Real Estate On Your Terms” and this year’s “The New Rules Of Real Estate Investing”. Chris and his family are acquiring 5 to 10 properties every month and control between $20 to $30 Million --- all done on Terms without using their own cash, credit, or signing for loans. 

Today we’re going to discuss what it means to invest in Real Estate on Your Terms, the two strategies Chris recommends that new investors prioritize, how he survived the Great Recession, and the Core Values he believes are necessary when starting a business.

You can contact Chris through his website:

To Download the Book “Real Estate On Your Terms”: and
