Last year we saw the passage of the Trump Administration's Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which created opportunities for investors and small business owners to lower the amount of taxes owed.  However, there were still some outstanding questions that needed to be answered.

Luckily we have Duane Culver back on the show today to shed some light on those lingering questions and how they apply to your 2018 tax preparation.  Duane is a CPA and President of Culver CPA Group.  Today he'll give us the low-down on the following topics:

Qualified Business Income Deduction (QBID) and how it relates to your rental income.

Do you still have to pay the Affordable Care Act Health Insurance Penalty?

Reminder on the larger Standard Deduction you're able to take.

Change in how you can deduct charitable contributions.

What you need to know about Opportunity Zones.

If you're about to sit down & do your own taxes, or you have a professional prepare them, it pays to learn as much as possible about tax rules & how they apply to real estate investing.  The more you understand, the more you'll be able to use tax law to your advantage, avoid mistakes, and prevent IRS audits.  You can also go back and listen to last years tax conversation with Duane, Ep#112, where we discuss the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in more detail.

Duane can be contacted by email, his website, or phone:

[email protected]


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