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440 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 2 ratings

Renewal Church exists to ReDiscover FAITH by pointing to Jesus Christ, to ReNew HOPE through relational discipleship communities, and to ReAwaken LOVE for every man, woman, and child, that they may experience the Gospel.

Christianity Religion & Spirituality north tonawanda meadow drive church plant milo wilson dan davis
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5. The Cycle Continues [Nehemiah 5] - Joe LaDuca

October 07, 2018 15:46 - 39 minutes - 36.5 MB

God’s people always find a way to turn from following God, yet God always provides a way to redeem them.

4. Opposition, Responce, Glory [Nehemiah 4] - Dan Davis

September 30, 2018 15:58 - 42 minutes - 39.2 MB

God's people can live trusting that God overcome all opposition to His plan.

3. The People build [Nehemiah 3] - Dan Davis

September 23, 2018 15:36 - 46 minutes - 42.4 MB

God is a faithful God who is always working toward redemption and restoration in the world, and He does it through His people. But He will never do something great through us until He does something significant in us first.

2. Prayers, Plans, and Providence -[ Nehemiah 2] - Dan Davis

September 16, 2018 15:42 - 44 minutes - 40.9 MB

God brings about His plans through His people as they depend on Him.

1. Awakened To Prayer [Nehemiah 1:1-11] - Dan Davis

September 09, 2018 15:44 - 50 minutes - 45.8 MB

Because God is faithful and we are not, we should appeal to Him in prayer.

6. The Life Of A Disciple [Hebrews 10:19-25] - Dan Davis

September 02, 2018 15:23 - 31 minutes - 28.5 MB

A disciple's life centers on Jesus because He gave His life for us.

5. The Legacy Of A Disciple [2 Timothy 2:1-13] - Dan Davis

August 26, 2018 15:18 - 40 minutes - 37.4 MB

The Gospel is a gift that disciples are called to hand down to others.

4. The Making Of A Disciple. [Matthew 28:16-20]- Nick Calcagno

August 19, 2018 15:25 - 43 minutes - 39.6 MB

The mission of a disciple is to make disciples.

3. The Fight Of A Disciple [ 1Timothy 6:11-16] - Dan Davis

August 12, 2018 15:27 - 42 minutes - 38.9 MB

3. The Fight Of A Disciple [ 1Timothy 6:11-16] - Dan Davis by Renewal Church

2. The Fruit Of A Disciple [John 15:1-17] - Dan Davis

August 05, 2018 15:54 - 59 minutes - 54.2 MB

Disciples who abide in Jesus bear much fruit in their lives.

1. The Call Of A Disciple [Matthew 4:18-22] - Dan Davis

July 29, 2018 15:19 - 39 minutes - 36.1 MB

Jesus calls disciples to follow Him and be transformed.

4. The Heart Of Compassiom and The Heart Of Stone [Jonah 4:1-11] - Dan Davis

July 22, 2018 15:26 - 48 minutes - 44.1 MB

God aligns the hearts of His people with His own heart of love for the nations.

3. The Heart of Compassion and the Heart of Repentance [Jonah 3:1-10] - Dan Davis

July 15, 2018 15:23 - 44 minutes - 40.6 MB

God has wrath for sin, but shows mercy to all who repent.

2. The Heart Of Grace and Heart of Surrender[Jonah 2] - Dan Davis

July 08, 2018 15:25 - 48 minutes - 44.1 MB

We should be thankful for God's saving grace.

1. The Heart of God and The Heart of Man [Jonah 1:1-17] - Dan Davis

July 01, 2018 15:46 - 51 minutes - 47.3 MB

God uses His sovereignty to bring salvation.

13. The Triumphal Entry [Luke 19:28-44] - Dan Davis

June 24, 2018 15:24 - 39 minutes - 35.9 MB

Accept Jesus as King and share in His joy or reject Him and stand condemned.

12. Two Rich Men [Luke 18:18-30; 19:1-10] - Dan Davis

June 17, 2018 15:44 - 53 minutes - 49.3 MB

12. Two Rich Men [Luke 18:18-30; 19:1-10] - Dan Davis by Renewal Church

11. The Pharisee And The Tax Collector [Like 18:9-14] - Aaron Richbart

June 10, 2018 15:17 - 32 minutes - 29.8 MB

Comparing ourselves to others brings a false sense of righteousness and prevents us from dealing with the sin in our lives.

10. The Time Is Coming [Luke 17:20-37] - Milo Wilson

June 03, 2018 15:26 - 37 minutes - 34.2 MB

Timing is Everything. . . To be in God's present kingdom we must be personally related to God's King Jesus

9. A Tense Dinner Party [Luke 14:1-24] - Dick Murphy

May 27, 2018 15:54 - 53 minutes - 48.6 MB

The way into the Kingdom of God is not through self-righteousness, or background, but is through laying down of self and accepting God's invitation freely given out of His love.

8. Two Sons [Luke 15:11-32] - Bryan Long

May 20, 2018 15:19 - 40 minutes - 37.2 MB

The story is often called "the prodigal son," but there are two sons; two ways to be distant from the father, and both are invited to come home.

7.The Narrow Door [Luke 13:22-35] - Joe Laduca

May 13, 2018 15:17 - 37 minutes - 34.1 MB

Jesus teaches that there is only one door to God, and not all will get in

6. Our Ultimate Hope Is Jesus Christ [Luke 12:13-21] - Nick Calcagno

May 06, 2018 15:26 - 40 minutes - 37.5 MB

6. Our Ultimate Hope Is Jesus Christ [Luke 12:13-21] - Nick Calcagno by Renewal Church

5. Groomsday Prepping [Luke 12:35-53] - Dan Davis

April 29, 2018 15:28 - 39 minutes - 36.5 MB

Because Jesus died in order to give us life, we can die to ourselves and live for Christ while we await His return.

4. Laws, Love, and Loopholes [Luke 10: 25-37] - Dan Davis

April 22, 2018 15:26 - 43 minutes - 39.8 MB

Jesus calls His people to love God and love neighbor.

3.The Crucial Message [Luke 10:1-24] - Dan Davis

April 15, 2018 15:27 - 41 minutes - 37.9 MB

The Gospel is crucial because salvation is totally from God and not at all from man.

2. The Cost Of Discipleship [Luke 9:51-62] - Joe LaDuca

April 08, 2018 15:22 - 45 minutes - 41.3 MB

Following Jesus costs us everything, but we gain even more in Him.

1. Not Fake News! [Luke 24:13-35] - Dan Davis

April 01, 2018 15:21 - 34 minutes - 31.4 MB

The resurrected Jesus showed Himself to eyewitnesses and fulfilled the promises of God

Good Friday

March 30, 2018 23:10 - 21 minutes - 20.1 MB

Good Friday by Renewal Church

11. God Finishes What He Starts [1 Thessalonians 5:23-28] - Nick Calcagno

March 25, 2018 15:28 - 46 minutes - 42.1 MB

God alone is the one who empowers you to live the holy life He calls you to live until Jesus returns.

10. The Heart of Church Membership [1 Thessalonians 5:12-22] - Dan Davis

March 18, 2018 15:28 - 48 minutes - 44 MB

The church is called to strive to grow in Christ together by living in right relationships.

9. Don't Worry. . . Be Happy! (You're a Child of Light!) [1 Thessalonians 5-11] - Dick Murphy

March 11, 2018 15:29 - 53 minutes - 49.4 MB

Our salvation is based solely on God's purpose, God's provision, and God's promise.

8. Living (and Dying) in Light of His Return [1 Thessalonians 4:13-18] - Dan Davis

March 04, 2018 16:29 - 49 minutes - 45.5 MB

All believers can live and die with hope in light of the promised return of Jesus.

7. God's Will for Your Life [1Thessalonians 4:1-12] - Dan Davis

February 25, 2018 16:23 - 44 minutes - 41 MB

God calls his people to stand firm by growing in holiness.

6. Suffering and our Faith [1Thessalonians 3:6-13] - Joe LaDuca

February 18, 2018 16:28 - 40 minutes - 36.8 MB

Suffering is inevitable, everybody will experience it in some way. It is very much through suffering that faith is shown to be genuine or just a seed planted on rocky soil.

5. Perserving in Community [1Thessalonians 2:17-3:5] - Dan Davis

February 11, 2018 16:16 - 39 minutes - 35.9 MB

God uses the love of the Christian community to sustain the faith of believers.

4. Perserverance Through Persecution [1 Thessalonians 2:13-16] - Milo Wilson

February 04, 2018 16:20 - 32 minutes - 29.9 MB

To persevere under persecution, believe God's Word and imitate other tenacious believers.

3. The Abandoned Life [1 Thessalonians 2:9-12] - Dan Davis

January 28, 2018 16:36 - 38 minutes - 35.1 MB

People Transformed by the Gospel live their lives abandoned to Jesus

2. The Messenger and His Message [1Thessalonians 2:1-8] - Dan Davis

January 21, 2018 16:19 - 34 minutes - 32 MB

Christian leaders live lives that are in step with the message of the Gospel.

1. A Church Transformed by the Gospel [1Thessalonians 1:1-10, Acts 17:1-10a] - Dan Davis

January 14, 2018 16:35 - 49 minutes - 45 MB

The Gospel transforms lives and gives birth to churches.

17. Restoration: God is the Gospel [Revelation 21:9 - 22:21] - Dan Davis

January 07, 2018 16:48 - 50 minutes - 46.6 MB

God is the initiator, executor, sustainer, and the reward of the Gospel. How then shall we live?

16. Restoration: Eternity [Reveiation 20:11-21:8] Dan Davis

December 31, 2017 16:49 - 50 minutes - 46.6 MB

All people will face judgment and spend eternity either completely separated from God or in the fullness of His presence.

15. Restoration: The Return of The King [Revelation 19:11-21 ] - Dan Davis

December 24, 2017 16:40 - 47 minutes - 43.8 MB

Jesus will soon return in glory with power and justice.

14. Restoration: A Gospel with No Distinction [ Acts 11:1-18; Revelation 5 ] - Dan Davis

December 17, 2017 16:23 - 42 minutes - 38.5 MB

"God reconciles to Himself people from every tribe, tongue, and nation with no distinction."

13. Redemption: Inaugurated in the Church beginning with Israel [Acts 2:1-47] - Joe LaDuca

December 10, 2017 16:22 - 43 minutes - 40.1 MB

At Pentecost God, through Jesus, began to give the Holy Spirit to the church starting with Israel; ultimately opening up the kingdom of God to the world through the church.

12. Redemption: A Living Hope for All Nations [Matthew 28: 1-20] - Dan Davis

December 03, 2017 16:34 - 56 minutes - 51.4 MB

The Resurrection provides a hope for the believer worth telling the world.

11. Redemptrion: The Death Of The King [Mark 15:1-47] - Dan Davis

November 26, 2017 16:36 - 38 minutes - 35.3 MB

Jesus suffered and died to save sinners.

10. The Kingdom Inauguration [Luke 4: 16-30] - Joe LaDuca

November 19, 2017 16:45 - 41 minutes - 38.3 MB

10. The Kingdom Inauguration [Luke 4: 16-30] - Joe LaDuca by Renewal Church

9. Redemption: The Word Revealed [John 1:1-18]- Nick Calcagno

November 12, 2017 16:24 - 48 minutes - 44.4 MB

The Word has been revealed to us in the person of Jesus Christ, and in Him, He offers us eternal life.

8. Promise: Hope for the Exile [Jeremiah 31:31-37] - Dan Davis

November 05, 2017 16:16 - 41 minutes - 37.6 MB

We can find hope in the everlasting new covenant God has made with His people.
