Are you an Ectomorph, Endomorph or Mesomorph?  If you don’t know and understand your body type it’s likely that you’re not optimizing your nutrition and training. If you wanna learn how to reach your health and fitness goals faster don’t miss this episode of the #RenegadeRadioPodcast with Dr. Stephen Cabral.   


Stephen is a Board Certified Naturopathic Doctor, Functional Medicine and Ayurvedic Medicine Practitioner and Certified Strength and Conditioning Professional.  He’s also the host of “The Cabral Concept” podcast and he’s the author of outstanding books such as “A Man’s Guide to Muscle and Strength” and the Amazon Best Seller “The Rain Barrel Effect”. 


At only 17 years old he suffered severe health complications.  He saw multiple doctors, and tried over 100 different treatments, but his health still didn’t improve.  It wasn’t until he met an Alternative Health doctor that his body began to recover.  The experience instilled a passion for health and wellness in Stephen and opened his eyes to a whole new world of possibilities.  Over the past 20 years he has studied and researched health and wellness, acquired dozens of certifications in the natural health field and completed thousands of sessions with health and fitness clients.   


His knowledge and experience have put Dr. Cabral at the top of his field and now you have the opportunity to benefit from both.


Show notes for this and every episode can be found at


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