[01.45] Dribbble Platform [03.49] Daily collaboration and communication between the team [05.12] Onboarding Session for New Hired [07.46] Productivity Metrics [09.16] Hiring Process [10.49] The Type of Remote Worker that Dribbble Looking For [12.19] Payroll System [13.14] Vision of Dribbble in Five until Ten years

[01.45] Dribbble Platform

Chloe Oddleifson is the head of people operations at Dribbble. Dribbble is the best platform for the designer to showcase their work, to get hired, taking community and inspiration. Dribbble is one of the remote company - Distributed Company fully spread out across North America and some contractors in the UK.

[03.49] Daily collaboration and communication between the team

At Dribbble, they use a couple different tools to stay connected. For instance, slack, project management tool called Flow, Google Docs, Google Calendar, Muse, Zoom. The most important thing, stay connected and communicative with the team. No Meeting on Mondays and Fridays, Weekly Zoom Conference about company updates.

[05.12] Onboarding Session for New Hired

Onboarding session is started from the interview process, phone call candidates to get to know the company, do a lot of check-ins and preliminary calls with the manager also get to know candidates as well

[07.46] Productivity Metrics

At Dribbble, they have a unique working culture, intimate and close community. Zero percent of nutrition rate over the past year and doubled up the revenue and users.

[09.16] Hiring Process

At Dribbble hiring process is a combination of kindness, conscientiousness and collaboration building teams. Group interview and technical screening.

[10.49] The Type of Remote Worker that Dribbble Looking For

There are a couple different things that Dribbble looking for in the future hires; comfortable working remotely and people who had a value that resonates with the company value which is design community.

[12.19] Payroll System

In terms of the Payroll system, there are some salary bands that came up by looking at some salary tools and surveys.

[13.14] Vision of Dribbble in 5 till 10 years

Dribbble have a mission to build the world's best platform for designers to gain inspiration, feedback on their work, to gain jobs and employment opportunities, to gain community.

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