[00:02:05] We learn how RailsConf 2021 was from Chris, and Andrew makes an announcement that he’s moving out of state and something about always wanting to be a trucker. ☺ 

[00:07:45] Chris fills us in on what he talked about at RailsConf 2021, which was on Action Text, Turbo, and ActionMailbox.

[00:10:51] Jason tells us about using Action Text and what happened.  Chris and Andrew chat more about Action Text, Trix, and Markdown Editor.

[00:14:34] Turbo Native is brought up and Chris talks about working on the iOS wrapper for Jumpstart Pro. He also brings up a screencast he just did for GoRails on Request Variants for templates for phones and tablets.

[00:22:45] Jason mentions working on a side project and how it’s going, using Render, and how Andrea wrote a blog post about it.

[00:28:38] We learn more about Caddy 2 and Chris tells us something he built a few weeks ago with job boards using Caddy. 

[00:34:20] Andrew mentions his company is hiring so check the link below if you want to work with him! Chris and Andrew also talk about the need for juniors at companies.

[00:38:02] Jason is excited to hear the new version of Hatchbox and Chris explains about how SSL has been the toughest parts of it.  

[00:40:49] Chris talks about Heroku, how it’s starting to show its age, and how they really need to have HTTP2.

[00:43:55] Find out about one of the guys who bought Jumpstart Pro and a pull request he made to improve the Docker file there. 

[00:47:55] Chris mentions there was no rumblings about Rails 7.0 at RailsConf 2021. 


Jason Charnes

Chris Oliver

Andrew Mason





“How to Deploy Ruby on Rails to Render.com” by Andrea Fomera

Senior Ruby Developer Job Posting

Jumpstart Pro

Caddy 2


GoRails Screencast by Chris Oliver- “Multiple Device support with Request Variants in Rails.”

Jason Charnes X/Twitter Chris Oliver X/Twitter Andrew Mason X/Twitter