[00:01:23] Rafael tells us what got him into Ruby and eventually into Rails.

[00:05:08] We learn more about Rafael’s experience working at Plataformatec.

[00:06:28] Rafael explains more about the Rails and Merb merge.

[00:11:18] Find out when Rails engines became a thing, what a Railtie is, and how the Rails engine builds on top of the Railtie. 

[00:15:44] Chris wonders how the engine approach has helped organize such a big application like Shopify and Rafael tells us about a challenge with the lack of tooling.

[00:20:11] Rafael goes in depth about his team at Shopify.

[00:24:26] We hear about the state of Rails 7. 

[00:27:32] Jason asks Rafael what it would take to get some authentication.

[00:32:41] Chris wonders how Rafael makes commits to every single repository all the time, and how does he decide what fits in Rails and what doesn’t. 


[00:37:58] Rafael gives us his guess of when Rails 7 will be released.

[00:41:23] Chris asks Rafael if there are any plans to adopt something like Hotwire going forward in Shopify, and Andrew asks how Rafael has felt about Shopify’s movement to Types and if he like it.

[00:45:12] Why did Shopify choose Sorbet instead of RBS? 

[00:47:22] Rafael shares his thoughts on never using Types in Rails, and more about using Tapioca with Sorbet.


Jason Charnes

Chris Oliver

Andrew Mason


Rafael França




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“Merb gets merged into Rails 3!”- Rails

“Rails and Merb Merge” by Yehuda Katz

Introduction to Railties

Shopify Packwerk-GitHub

Rails standardized error reporting interface #43625

An upcoming authentication solution for Phoenix-Dashbit

Shopify Tapioca-GitHib

Twitter Mentions