[00:05:52] Sebastian tells us about himself, how long he’s been doing Ruby, where HanamiMastery came from, and his journey in working in Rails.

[00:11:57] We learn about some problems Sebastian was solving with dry-rb and what specific dry-rb libraries he was using. 

[00:13:58] Jason explains what dry-rb is.

[00:16:54] We hear how Sebastian’s experience has been with Hanami so far and if it was a shift in thinking coming from a Rails background.

[00:18:16] If your unfamiliar with Hanami, Jason explains some things about Hanami v1, and Sebastian tells us some other shifts he found in Hanami. 

[00:24:55] Since creating content is a lot of fun but also a lot of work, Jason asks Sebastian if he any prior experience creating programming content before HanamiMastery. We also hear how the response has been from people since he started a Hanami focused content site.

[00:29:38] Jason explains how dry-rb and Hanami are closely related.

[00:32:41] Find out Sebastian’s thoughts on helping Hanami succeed in the Ruby ecosystem.

[00:34:32] Chris and Andrew express wanting to try out dry-rb and Hanami now.


[00:36:15] Find out where you can follow Sebastian online.


Jason Charnes

Chris Oliver

Andrew Mason


Sebastian Wilgosz




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