[00:02:49] Jason and Andrew have been working on some GitHub actions and what’s been going on with that. Also, Jason and Chris challenge Andrew to do the typing speed test before the end of this episode! ☺

[00:06:07] We hear about a cool thing Andrew’s been working on, Chris and Jason tell us they ran out of build minutes, and Andrew mentions “act” to test your Actions locally.

[00:08:54] Chris and Jason have a great discussion on perfectionism and writing code, and they share their struggles.

[00:27:23] Chris asks Jason how he feels about testing is one example of something that you can easily get to that point of perfectionism. Jason explains how he’s been thinking about this lately with Job Board.

[00:31:27] Jason talks about finding value right now in writing controller level specs and Chris touches on why those are good.

[00:33:34] Andrew shares his struggles on how his perfectionism impacts him with having an eye for design that he can’t create, which he contributes to his ADHD. Chris and Jason share stories with the same frustrations.

[00:39:44] We find out what Jason realizes is the issue with his perfectionism and  Andrew explains his issue with procrastinating, how so much of his time is spent in his head, and he tells us about Log4brains.

[00:43:38] Jason shares some thoughts on avoiding discomfort and Andrew explains how he feels more comfort knowing that the guys struggle with similar things as well.

[00:45:56] Jason shares one more embarrassing trait of his that has to do with side projects and starting over, and ironically Andrew admits to this same thing. Chris shares a story from college and the first project he ever wrote.

[00:49:28] We hear Jason express his reasons for why he stopped working on Jumpstart with Chris, and Chris explains why he got further with it and why running a business is so hard.

[00:54:08] The guys reflect on how taking a mental health day and talking about this stuff is so important with burnout being so high in programmers.

[00:58:05] Chris explains his life as a business owner and what his day entails, and he expresses how going to conferences has always been so helpful to him being able to hang out and have these conversations with people there.


Jason Charnes

Chris Oliver

Andrew Mason




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