[00:03:15] We start with Andrew telling us he’s not a fan of code coverage metric and talks about a gem everyone uses called SimpleCov and what it does. Kevin dives into code coverage and why he doesn’t believe it’s a holistic measure and how code coverage can lie to you.  


[00:05:40] Find out why Kevin love tests, and he explains some other downsides of focusing on code coverage and brings up Coveralls and when is it too much.

[00:08:55] Andrew asks Kevin if there are some metrics that are good to track to provide value for your team. 

[00:15:59] Chris and Kevin chat about tools and Andrew mentions Attractor, from Julian Rubisch and possibly RubyCritic.

[00:17:33] Andrew wonders how important is it that your code base is super dry, and Kevin expresses his opinion on this. He mentions Sandi Metz talking about “duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction.”


[00:23:24] Andrew and Kevin discuss the topic of “rules” and why Andrew doesn’t like that term for programming things. 

[00:25:49] The topic of performance is discussed and how it goes back to what is the business value of it. Kevin talks about the tricky things of performance as well.  

[00:32:00] Kevin shares some other things when it comes to measuring “good code.”

[00:33:38] Andrew, Chris, and Jason share the metrics they like, they share examples,  and they talk about using SimpleCov.

[00:42:14] Find out where you can follow Kevin online, and if you need a speaker at your next virtual regional meetup, go ahead and reach out to him. 


Jason Charnes

Chris Oliver

Andrew Mason


Kevin Murphy




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The Gnar Company





Sandi Metz Blog-“The Wrong Abstraction”

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