In this episode, Dr. Tafur continues to guide us as we explore the neurobiological response to stress and our natural responses as we realize how dysregulation can manifest as extreme dis-ease as we recognize how chronic stress and trauma can show up as disturbance in our lives.  We must learn to accept and communicate that this isn’t only “in our head” rather a symptom of greater problems that must be addressed on multiple levels, should we want to heal fully. 

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Acknowledgements: The Remembering Resilience podcast episodes include content that may bring up a strong emotional response. Please do what you need to take care of yourself while you listen, and perhaps think of someone you could call for emotional support if necessary. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (800-273-8255) and Crisis Text Line (text MN to 741741) are free supports available 24/7. 


Please note that in podcast episodes #7- #9, we explore Indigenous medicine and traditional healing modalities that are not currently widely understood by mainstream culture in the United States. We do not advocate for the use of these healing modalities for everyone, rather the intent of these episodes is to highlight stories of how some individuals have benefitted from these healing practices and the process of reconnecting to Indigenous wisdom. 

While we acknowledge that the context in which we share about these plant medicines is focused on traditional healing practices, we also recognize that substance misuse is an issue in our communities and want to offer support for anyone who might be struggling. If you need support, please call the Relapse Prevention Hotline (866-210-1303) is a free support available 24/7. When you call this number, you will be connected with a counselor who can offer support.


Miigwech - Pidamayaye - Thank you. We are grateful to our many partners who made this podcast possible. We give special thanks to Leah Lemm, our producer for Season 2 of Remembering Resilience, and the cohort of youth artists from First Person Productions at Migizi who developed the Remembering Resilience logo and marketing materials for the podcast.