How do we, as men, help other men put down the unhealthy attitudes and behaviors that are limiting them and hurting others? How do we call men in to the challenging work of crafting individual masculinities that include connection, inclusion, empathy and care?

In this episode, Mark and I get to have another rich, insight and laughter filled conversation with a powerful, engaged men's work practitioner. Our guest is Mark Winkler, who, after finishing up a successful career as a musical talent agent, developed an intensive Life Skills program to empower At-Risk young men to adopt safe and productive behavior.  More recently, Mark has focused on supporting fathers and families with wrap around mental health services and peer to peer men's groups.

Mark has become a specialist in gently, patiently engaging men in men's work. Part of his approach is to avoid triggering language like “toxic masculinity” which he says can send men packing. Instead, Mark describes his focus on identifying progress rather than calling for perfection.

Listen to the full episode to learn how we can call men in to the process of adopting de-radicalized manhood. Listen all the way to the end to learn how mens work is like scuba diving.

Key Takeaways:

When  calling men in to healthy or de-radicalized manhood, look for progress rather than perfection
Progress in behavior is more important than progress in “articulated” change (i.e. actions speak louder than words).

Information, Background, and Projects:

Mark’s Blog
Manhood Camp for boys
Article describing radicalized masculinity
Gillette Ad - We Believe: The Best Men Can Be

Influencers and Writers

The Will to Change - bell hooks
Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys - Michael Thompson Ph.D. &, Dan Ph.D. Kindlon