In this episode, Mark and I get to have a warm connecting talk with Graham Goulden a leadership and violence prevention trainer from the United Kingdom. Graham spent thirty years as a Scottish police officer and Chief Investigator specializing in criminal investigation, training, and crime prevention. During that part of his career, Graham noticed an important reality: almost all of the criminals he pursued and the victims he tried to protect were men or boys. He started wondering why we don’t talk about violence as a problem that predominantly affects males. AND one that can be solved by - mostly - men.

And now Graham leads his own training business - Cultivating Minds UK - where he focuses on creating space for honest, compassionate conversation that works to promote community, mental health, and teamwork. Part of Graham’s special sauce is his ability to “walk and chew gum” at the same time… He’s a strong cop who is open about his own vulnerabilities, he can both have empathy and hold people accountable, and he can support males who have been victims at the same time he works to prevent them and others from further perpetuating violence.

Listen to the full episode to learn how men can push back against the code of silence that turns us into complacent, complicit bystanders and how we can become champions in our own lives and the lives of others.


Graham’s Information and Projects:

Graham’s Website

Graham’s Social Media


Resources for Men Recommended by Graham:

Jackson Katz
Philip Zimbardo
Havard Business Review How Masculinity Contests Undermine Culture
Michael Kaufman The Seven P’s of Men’s Violence 
Rita Pierson Every Child Needs a Champion TED talk
The Power of Influence Robert B. Cialdini

Connect with the hosts

Email us at [email protected] or [email protected]

Music Credits:
Gus Greene

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