Previous Episode: Episode 1 – The Fly

Justin and Russ settle their episode 100 bet, Hobbes checks in with a non-exclusive, they take a journey through Clive Barker’s tumblr page, Justin finds a way to talk about musicals (again), they try to make sense of Green Inferno and wind up raking them over the coals, Russ is …

Justin and Russ settle their episode 100 bet, Hobbes checks in with a non-exclusive, they take a journey through Clive Barker’s tumblr page, Justin finds a way to talk about musicals (again), they try to make sense of Green Inferno and wind up raking them over the coals, Russ is old and balding, two straight men talk about other men’s penises…a lot, Russ puts Justin through a trial by fire with Cannibal Holocaust

Next week:  It’s Alive (1974) & It’s Alive (2008)

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