Whether you run a nonprofit or for-profit organization, paid search is going to be one of the main marketing ecosystem pillars you should consider to get "instant on" traffic sources to your offerings.


That being said, running a successful paid search campaign requires some planning and know-how to make sure you get the most out of your investment.


That's why we are joined today by Kurt Filla, Founder of FillaLife Media.


Kurt LOVES data and it shows. We have a super fun conversation about Search Engine Marketing and Pay Per Click advertising for nonprofits and other purpose-focused enterprises as well. If you are looking to start a paid search campaign, this episode is a must-listen.


From setting up your budgeting and goals to how to tweak your campaigns for maximum effect, this show has it all. Learn about landing page creation and optimization, how to tweak your calls-to-action to get your audience to DO what you are seeking, how re-targeting works, lookalike campaigns, and much, much more on this episode PACKED with great info.


Action Ask: 

Look at your reporting data and make sure you have robust tracking set up to ensure you aren't wasting your time and money on your campaigns. Then test the waters and see what you can do for your organization through paid ads.