At one point, having a purpose-focused organization was a bit of a differentiator. Lately, the term comes up a lot, and for those organizations that are truly leading with purpose and have a mission that drives their decisions and daily activities, kudos to you.

At Relish Studio, we like working with people with a purpose for a variety of reasons. Mostly, helping organizations and their leaders who have a “giving back” ethos just feels good. However, we also see that many of these organizations just have a stronger culture and drive and the purpose they are embracing unites their teams and provides an added thrust that can be absent in those organizations that just have revenues to motivate performance.

That’s why my conversation with Cristina Ferreri and Cheryl Farr from Signal CSK was so much fun. These two are definitely on a mission. They help develop brand strategy that goes above and beyond just logo creation and simple messaging. They help their clients lead with real authenticity to build a strong culture that gets teams engaged and gets audiences motivated to take action.

If you are interested in taking your organization to the next level, this conversation is definitely for you. Cristina and Cheryl will help you harness the power of purpose and lead with authenticity to make your organization shine in the marketplace. 

Hope you enjoy the show.


Signal CSK Brand Partners
Moose International 


Lead with authenticity. take time to consider the purpose you are chasing. live it out loud. Look at brands you engage with in a new light to understand how that brand relates to YOU. Learn and apply lessons learned.