Setting big goals for your organization can be daunting. Are your plans and projections realistic? Are you reaching too far? Not far enough?

Getting to that “sweet spot” of planning and projections feels comfortable. But, as we chatted about in last week’s episode, that’s not real commitment. Commitment happens when you land in the zone of uncertainty—enough that you aren’t sure if you can make it happen but certain enough that you can’t NOT make it happen.

And here’s the deal… all of this stems from your place of BEing rather than what you are DOing. 

See, most of us start from the position of DOing when looking at the outcomes we would like to create. However, when one shifts that perspective and approaches every moment from the perspective of BEing, magic happens.

On today’s episode, I speak with Sobia Zafar, who is on the board of the Taaleem Organization, a nonprofit based in Pakistan that brings education to those who need it the most. They currently have eight schools in the country and have a goal to raise $12 million in the next three to five years to help improve infrastructure and promote educational change in the region. 

Sobia is committed to making this happen. Her father founded the schools and she is helping to take them to the next level with this round of capital that will enable them to expand, improve infrastructure, and level up the services they provide.

During our conversation, she recognized the power of BEing when compared to simply having another to-DO list.

If your organization is looking to level up, this conversation shows a way to evaluate what you have working for you and how to start adding elements to your organization's success. 

I hope you enjoy our talk as much as I did. 


Taleem Foundation 

Sobia Zafar Coaching


Don’t make a to-do list, today, make a to-be list. 

Take inspired and disciplined action.