Two of the most common questions we get from nonprofit leaders are, “Do you know anyone who can help us with that?” and “Is there a tool or app we can use that will help streamline that for us?”

Fortunately, the Founder and CEO of Pond, Mitch Stein and his team can help with both of these challenges.

There are SO many tools and resources available and it can get really overwhelming shopping for solutions. That’s one of the interesting adjustments Pond is making to the system. With Pond, they have created a system that flips the narrative. Vendors and solutions providers invest for the opportunity to access the nonprofit, providing solutions you have requested direct to you rather than you having to go out and find the solutions for yourself. 

It’s a clever paradigm switch that not only puts the power in the hands of the nonprofit, but also creates revenue for your organization at the same time. Pretty clever!

Pond also encourages Nonprofit leaders to join the conversation by providing rewards and goodies on the platform; it's a good resource to share and learn from other leaders in the community. 

Pond is a great online marketplace and if you are a nonprofit leader, check out Pond and participate in conversations to help your organization find the tools and resources you need to level up! 


The Kids Table Podcast 


If you are a nonprofit leader, join Pond!