For most businesses and organizations, the quickest wins are found in the INSPIRE phase of the stakeholder lifecycle. 

In most situations, transforming customers and donors into repeat business is simply easier than selling to a whole new audience. 

After all, you’ve already put in the hard work nurturing these individuals through the ATTRACT, BOND, and CONNECT phases of their journey. You just need to re-engage with value-driven materials, inspirational stories, and/or fresh opportunities to inspire them to take further action. (Read all about this in my book, Mission Uncomfortable.)

In fact, this group of engaged individuals can help you expand your reach as they evangelize for your organization and spread the word about all the great work you do in the world. If you can make it as easy as possible for them to do that—for example, by recommending (and even writing for them) ways to share your mission—this group can become quite valuable to your organization. 

On today's episode I spoke with Dr. Joe Sanders, the CEO of Colorado Uplift, a very cool organization that helps urban youth gain skills and get the support they need to become leaders in their communities. We delve into the INSPIRE phase of the stakeholder journey—discussing how to get stakeholders to re-engage, refer, and share reviews. (In other words, INSPIRING them to talk up your organization and its impact.)

Our conversation also focused on ways to supercharge your marketing efforts and PR campaigns to improve your ability to reach and engage with a wider audience. 

Joe is a thoughtful and focused leader who brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the organization. Not only is he a retired Air Force Colonel and Director of the Air Force Academy’s Leadership and Character Development activities, but he is a PhD as well. 

This was a great chat. I hope you enjoy it. 


Colorado Uplift


Truly listen to someone. Just listen to them and acknowledge their story.