Identity Produces Destiny -  Jerome Dixon was interrogated for 25 straight hours by law enforcement when he was 17 years old. His interrogation led to a false confession and a  21 year prison term for a murder he did not commit. Jerome and Daniel spent 2 days in Sacramento advocating for a bill (SB 395) that will mandate juveniles, while being interrogated in custody, receive an explanation of the meaning of waiving constitutional Miranda rights by an attorney. Jerome talks about line dancing and fashion. We discuss stepping outside our comfort zones to grow as individuals. ARC (Scott Budnik) and Common produce a #ImagineJustice concert on the steps of the capitol to promote justice reform (#schoolsnotprisons) and unity; 30,000 people attended. Jerome And Daniel talk to state police at Starbucks and attend the concert. “Why did you confess to a crime you didn’t commit?”




Email Daniel: [email protected]

Email Carlos: [email protected]

Email Jerome: [email protected]

PayPal: [email protected]

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