Edelman Westside Mental Health Center - Dr. Nancy Nowlin-Finch and staff live audience. Carlos discusses facing 35 to life as a 16 year old then going to state prison as a 17 year old. Shot Caller the movie and how substance abuse and mental health affect public safety when individuals are sentenced to prison terms. How restorative justice can change public safety. We discuss the value of avoiding the “jailer” mentality and the benefits of peer mentorship between individuals including mental health professionals knowing their own personal limitations and asking peers for assistance. Check the Box: How to deal with getting gainful employment with a felony record. We discuss the importance of feeling “a part of” something (society)  when released. Daniel’s aunt (Dr. Nowlin-Finch) talks about gaining an understanding of  how incarceration affects a family member. Prison reform movement: Elizabeth Calvin (Human Rights Watch), Just Leadership USA and Glen Martin, #Cut 50, Bikila Ochoa , ARC Director of Policy, Scott Budnik ARC founder and producer of The Hangover Trilogy . SB 9 and the pendulum swinging toward major reform.



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