You manifest *hit in your life, from falling over to that terrible relationship years ago... You manifested it! It's not the external circumstances that made you broke or broke your was YOU!

Yup, I know 🤭 BOLD! but TRUE!

The truth is you get what you ask for and humans are lazy and honestly, they haven't been taught HOW to raise their vibration and manifest what they truly consciously desire, so they get lazy and blame the world, universe and even use their "spirit guides" as their excuse!

Manifesting is a choice to listen to your intuition 

You can't just focus in Manifesting just the good stuff, you actually have to be willing to receive it all so you can receive what you asked for 😉 

The universe, spirit and YOU are always working in your favor ✨️ 🙌 🙏🏽 

Enjoy this episode!

If you are ready to work with me, apply for a call with me here.

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