The "Beneath the Willow" hypnosis session is designed to guide listeners into a state of deep relaxation and inner tranquility. The session begins with an induction that encourages listeners to find a comfortable position and let go of any tension or stress.
They are then guided to visualize resting beneath a majestic willow tree, feeling its protective shade and hearing the rustle of its branches.
Throughout the deeply relaxing hypnosis session, a series of suggestions are provided to induce relaxation and deepen the experience. The suggestions focus on releasing tension, calming the mind, and entering a state of peace and serenity. These suggestions aim to help listeners sink deeper into relaxation with each passing moment.

Additionally, suggestions for relaxation and 100 positive suggestions are included in the script. The relaxation suggestions aim to induce a state of profound calmness, while the positive suggestions focus on promoting self-confidence, positivity, and personal transformation. These suggestions encourage listeners to let go of negativity, embrace their inner strength, and attract positive experiences into their lives.

The session concludes with a deepening phase that allows listeners to further immerse themselves in relaxation.
Overall, the "Beneath the Willow" hypnosis session offers a guided journey to a serene and peaceful environment, promoting deep relaxation, positive transformation, and a renewed sense of well-being.

Each recording has 4 different versions:
1) without music
2) with background music
3) 5 hours long, with background music including me giving posiuve affirmations and counting down.
4) 10 hours long, with background music including me giving posiuve affirmations and counting down.

Background music:
Deep Relaxation Kevin MacLeod ( Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

IMPORTANT - Only listen when you can safely close your eyes, as it may cause drowsiness.