Previous Episode: Quotes Julius Caesar

 When I was a kid, our father was totally against the TV… After some time, we got a TV… 
I got so bored from the TV; I could forecast the end of a movie by just seeing the first 5 minutes…
Then I stopped seeing TV when I was 10 years and I watched only TV for 2 years in my life.
I saw families who didn’t have a TV and they were much happier and so much more creative…
Seeing TV was and is for me just wasting time…We live only one time…
I knew people who became TV addicted or so… and they got more and more depressed and even tried to kill themself…
Today it is even 10 times worse with all the bombardment of news, information, games, social media, YouTube…
The young generation is getting so spoiled by the internet… that they are getting bored, even at the young age of 12 years.
Life is boring because they don’t try out so many new things, instead, they are looking up on Google, how it is… And so, they remain inactive. Life is no anymore, an adventure… it is just Facebook, Google, and YouTube.
They don’t understand: Until you have experience, you don’t know it…The information is not known…Information is just garbage collection.
Even worse, they are so mobile phone addicted… Through that, they live in a virtual world…
It is scientifically proven that you cannot give a kid a mobile phone because the kid will not develop fully their senses, body movements, and creativity and learn to suppress their emotions.
Even so, the society advocates suppressing emotions by positive thinking and that leads definitely to isolation and then suicide… 
More people die by suicide than by homicide or wars…  
If we don’t exchange or show our emotions as they are and even tell not what we honestly think, we get isolated even if we live in a family.
For instance, I participated in many therapy groups like Bioenergetics, Encounter, Primal, Tantra,… 
And I remembered again and again that a husband/wife said…
After this weekend with this therapy group, I know you better than my wife/husband even though we have been married for 20 years.
This means as usual, that their relationship is very shallow or superficial… Both doing their shows… and honesty exchanging what they think or feel is not. 

What is to be alive...
Before I went into therapy and meditated, I have done many dangerous things… 
I realized when I lived in the here and now, life is so much more exciting, so that I don’t need to risk my life… It is much more exciting to surrender my love to my darling…  
Today’s generation doesn’t need that, they have 20 Facebook love relationships simultaneously, and for sex are the pornos… 

Their Motto is:
Emotions are bad, logic is good and we know always everything. Excitement, love, and dramas are exhausting, it is better not to feel! Even your smartphone has more excitement… For what is living? 

Kids need time and love, but today’s parents don’t have both… Facebook is more important.  
Think this over? Is a virtual life really what you want?

My Video: Virtual life becomes meaningless… Audio: