Castor oil has been used for thousands of years for skin, hair, and nail problems, constipation, inflammations…
As a kid we used it for constipation … it works very fast and you run to the toilet and … like crazy…
We use ONLY cold-pressed 100% Virgin Castor oil… with no chemicals inside.
I have used Castor Oil mixed with pure soda powder (you find it for baking) to remove warts moles and eczema… You need to do this at least for several weeks, several times per day. And It worked where no other remedy worked….
Then for better eyesight, for one month before you go into your bed, drop one drop of Castor oil in your eyes,… Ask before doing so, your doctor…
And then I read it is also good for our skin, specifically our face, to reduce wrinkles, brown spots, pimples, acne, dandruff, rashes …I tried this out, guess it worked…
For the skin I mixed it with DMSO, 70% Castor oil, 30% DMSO…With DMSO the Castor oil can be absorbed into the cells and is much easier and faster to absorb from the skin.First, wash your skin, otherwise other substances on your skin can also be absorbed into your cells. And that we don’t want.
Castor oil, pure or with other coconut or almond oil can be used for cleaning the skin…
For hair growing, I didn’t try it out… Mix it with other oils and then rub it on your scalp, let it soak into the skin for at least 1/2 hour once per week.
Castor oil for hydrating your skin and cracked heels… If you get in the summertime, skin cracked at your heels then rub Castor oil on your feet and wear socks all the time!
Minimizing the appearance of scars when you apply it for your wound healing…
Treating Ringworm on your skin… yes it kills the ringworm…
Fight toenail fungus…To treat toenail fungus, soak your feet in warm water and Epsom salt for five minutes. Follow the soak by liberally applying castor oil to the affected toenail.
Relieve SunburnWith the same cooling sensation as aloe, castor oil is great for alleviating painful sunburns. The ricinoleic acid will protect any blisters that pop up from becoming infected and reduce the inflammation associated with sunburns.
My Video: The Miracles of Castor Oil Audio: