How get the fascination of every moment in our life?Think over, You have only to live 1 day more…. How intense would be your life?Why we can’t not really live in the here and now?Why we could live in the here and now as a baby?Because of our rational mind… who thinks that he knows already everything, and this mind develops after we had been a baby.
It is science proved that we can see in the here and now until 7 years and from that time we have almost the pictures inside of us, just like templates. Our brain produces the images from the memory instead to see them in the here and now …. They have shown Africans in the jungle a movie about hygienic and they could not see the results of unhygienic, because they just switched off.  We call this ignorance…  how many chances we have everyday to become rich, if we would have the mindset of the rich…. Then we would see our opportunities.  
My mother bought me always under wear, that was too small, because she could not see that I was grown in the meantime, when she fixed me to an old image. So it is with mostly of all parents, they can’t see, that the child is changing, growing because they don’t live in the here and now, like all of us.
Normally we are making us a picture from our darling and fix our darling to that image our whole life; -so that our darling can’t change… And then the fascination and love is over. In Tantra we have learned the Golden Rule: Kill every day your Darling… We start every day new to discover our darling as an unknown person… Only so, our love can remain and grow.
What happens to me? When I was starting with meditation and learned to empty my mind, my life went slowly and slowly… My life won so much on dynamic, fascinations …. Then I tried to be productive and my life went faster and faster… Again I slowed down, (less is much more) and again my life is intensive, the clock is ticking slowly, life is fascinating. This is the art of meditation. 
So more we under tension, so more we make, so more we run away from our life. Instead of enjoying every precious moment, we become a robot, which can’t feel. And then our time is running faster and faster.For what?????
My video: How to get our life back… Audio:….mp3