Previous Episode: 202. Asking For Help

In this solocast I talk about the importance of following through on commitments. It’s basically keeping your word. If you say you'll do something, do it. Whether it's taking out the trash, meeting your partner for dinner, or attending their work event, follow through reliably. The key is consistently matching your actions with your words. Follow-through breeds trust and reliability in relationships. Essentially, partners who do what they say they'll do don't just gain trust; they earn it. Their actions give evidence that they are worthy of trust. This firm foundation is key for relationships to go the distance.

“Only make commitments you know you can reasonably keep. Don't say yes to everything.”

 - Pripo Teplitsky

Related Content: Other Podcast Episodes

HeartShare: Attitudes of Connection

HeartShare: How Practicing Humility Helps Your Relatiopnships

Compromising in a Relationship

HeartShare: Change Your Thoughts, Change Your Relationships

How to Have the Partner You Most Want to Have

Micro-Moments in Relationships

Let’s Talk About It!

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Theme music “These Streets” provided by Adi the Monk

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