Not getting results that you want in your relationship? How do you make changes and guarantee a more enjoyable future? Join us to give change a chance!

It’s tough to change. The comfort of the known is convenient, it’s the familiar zone! How do we consciously and intentionally make changes to self to get the changes that we want, both individually and together?

“I can only make changes to myself, you can only make changes to yourself, yet by us being a good support system to each other we can be a good support system for each other for the changes we’re making.”

This takes a level of honesty and communication. Where are we going? What will our lives be ten, twenty, thirty years from now look like with that destination in mind? For some couples, it’s hard to look ten years off, and it takes some real intentionality to reflect on this.

 Through the process, don’t forget to celebrate the small things! Look at how much change has happened perhaps this week, month, or year… look at where we are now. Give change a chance!

The whole point of change is to improve and create different experiences that we’d like to have more of. It’s about the quality of life, and to believe that it will really be different. It takes a level of consciousness to be open, but if we are conscious and intentional, it will change in the way we want to and are open too. We’re changing our future history.


Dr. Brené Brown – When you are blaming, you are not learning

Drama & Conflict In Your Relationship

1 Choice That Changes Everything In Your Marriage

Dr. Brené Brown – When you are blaming, you are not learning

Drama & Conflict In Your Relationship

1 Choice That Changes Everything In Your Marriage


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