How do you make decisions, both big and small? This topic is often the cause of problems in relationships. Join Dan and Carol as we dig deep into creating an effective process you can use as a template for decisions in your relationship.

How do you create a process to make effective decisions as a couple? Perhaps a flow chart? Or through identifying each choice with your mission as a couple? Perhaps the tri position planning model can come in handy. This process has a few phases, beginning with the brainstorming piece. Then we might agree on another time to meet again for the next stage, and perhaps might go back and forth a few times. We then reach the outcome.

“If we make effective decisions – it builds trust. If we don’t then it tends to destroy trust as well.”

Decisions take some time, even quick ones. Developing a process then could be done very quickly in an effective process. Better than spur of the moment decisions – sometimes they’re amazing, sometimes they cause you to beat yourself up. This process could help reduce some of that anger. And ease you into joy, peace and ease knowing your division has been discussed effectively.

This decision-making model is one of the biggest components of our relationship. You want to have more ease and joy, and knowing you’re being intentional in your decisions can help get you there in a truly honest, open way. Imagine how our relationships can be moving forward when we take the time to be really honest and open with each other with this decision-making model.

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