Previous Episode: 16 Power of Connection

We’ve all had days when we’re too hard on ourselves. The little voice in your head says, “you’ll never be able to do that” rather than “way to go, you did do that!”. So how do we set ourselves up to turn this around?

“It’s crucial to have that solid foundation at home, where I got you, and I can bounce ideas off of you and gain some clarity – for us to talk about them and are doable and are what we want.”

Then we become each other’s best support system and can acknowledge ourselves to each other and help along the way! Where does your focus go in a long day? Usually on what you didn’t do rather than what you did do.

The doubter inside of us isn’t always a bad thing – it is useful when I can take that as information rather than self-pity. Recognize the doubter and look at the event in perspective. What are the lessons here, what can I do differently next time? Same principles apply with failure! Hold awareness of the feelings and become committed to doing something a bit different. When we truly acknowledge ourselves and others and make doable baby steps toward our goals – we can set ourselves up for true success.

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