From Lucy about her blog:
I’m a 52 year old divorced woman dating online in Vancouver aka “the most beautiful city in the world”. As Lucy, I’m physically anonymous but my blog is completely revealing. Is it easy? No. Is it rewarding? So yes.
I have Boo, the greatest kid known to mankind who is never ever EVER allowed to read this, and my friends who support me like human Spanx. Seriously. I am one lucky gal in many respects.

In love however, I am still searching for the one who will stick around. I’ve met some nice guys and also some guys that I could have fallen in love with and I’ve gone from seeking a long term relationship to considering a new tattoo: “Date # 6. Anyone? Anyone?”

I’ve cried so hard I felt like I was coughing up a lung. I’ve laughed so hard I almost peed my panties. I’ve loved. I’ve learned. I have actually lived my life this year instead of watching from the sidelines and I wouldn’t change any of it for anything.

To follow my dating misadventures, read my blog “You’re Still Doable.” Then scroll down to the very bottom to begin at the very beginning when I was a pof. com virgin for the second time and don’t miss a single misstep, eureka moment or handy “do as I say…” touchstone that I sprinkle liberally throughout, just because I can. And yeah…I actually slip in some advice along the way as well. Huh. Take it as you will or not. We’re all grown ups here. Ish.

And if you heart Lucy? Comment! and share me freely with friends/ family/ facebook/ every other social media thing out there then subscribe. I’ll be posting a lot as I have a LOT to say. Of course. !

There’s humor. There’s pathos. There’s whining…I mean wining. Ok. I mean a lot of both.

Really…why date alone when you can Date with Lucy? xo

See and Lucy’s review of my book, Love Me Don’t Leave Me