In this Solo episode, I talk about the main thing I see that gets missed MOST as care providers - coaches, therapists, doctors, facilitators.  It takes a lot to be able to catch these precious, important moments with clients.  Especially clients who have insecure attachment and past trauma.  When we can get comfortable and regulated enough in ourselves to stay with our clients through these cycles of everything from challenges to lightness, we create a safety and intimacy and empowerment that goes beyond that which most practitioners are offering.

Have a listen and let me know how it lands for you! I’m really excited about this new podcast and want to keep shaping it around what’s supportive and engaging for YOU.💙



Stay tuned for solo and guest podcasts with these three themes:

→ trauma and trauma informed care

→ the power of therapeutic relationships

→ embodied practice as care providers

And as always, I am so grateful for all your incredible emails and comments on how this podcast is impacting you - keep ’em coming!  And if you ever want any of your questions and inquiries around these 3 above topics addressed in the pod, let me know what they are and I’ll do my best!  It’s you, my listeners, that keep me going…and I have so much gratitude for you!

Connect with Shelby:

Instagram: @fierceheart.shelbyleigh

[email protected]

Body Of Work