In this episode Kimberly shares about her path to offering trauma informed support for her business coaching clients.  She shares her own stories of not feeling safe in other's healing spaces which inspired her to really learn and understand the power of trauma informed care.  We explore the power of not taking people over their edges and staying within their windows of presence to be able to truly receive the work they're diving into, no matter WHAT the work is.

About Kimberly King:

Kim is an Intuitive Business Coach and certified in Life & Success Coaching, NLP, EFT, TIME Techniques and Hypnosis.

She works with creatives, visionaries and spiritual leaders to help them build a sustainable business that aligns with their values, authentically express themselves through their brand, and become impactful leaders.

She integrates a trauma-informed approach to her coaching and is committed to continuously educating herself on creating a safer and more inclusive space for her clients and community.

Connect with Shelby:

IG: @fierceheart.shelbyleigh