Calling all healthcare professionals! Why don’t relationships with your patients last? You had one session…but you could have had 40. If you’re missing out on being trauma-informed in your practice your patients may not come back if you don’t build a trusting relationship from the start.

When we are trauma-informed, we learn ways to not add stress to an already stressed person.

This episode is a behind the scenes view of how I talk about my work and how I think about trauma-informed care in the healthcare setting. In the process of rebranding my site, I’ve hired an incredible copywriter, Jaqueline Paumier, to help me create new thoughts and ideas about how I share my work. In representing my work, in alignment with my values, I share how I view my work in trauma.

Most healthcare professionals have to armor-up pretty young in order to cope with their surroundings. A lot of my clients are doctors and midwives and have been witnessing some scary stuff throughout their experiences in their work, and the standard self care coping techniques may not really cut it.

This is why I built the course, Creating Safer Healthcare.

Trauma-informed care is about an entire team…a system…the entire team needs to be educated to provide this kind of support.

If you know a healthcare professional who could benefit from this work, please share it with them!

We didn’t know we were going to release this as a podcast so it’s super casual and not perfectly linear.  Please excuse the messiness! I thought it would be fun for you to listen to anyways.

A bit about Jacqueline

Jacqueline offers a “holistic copywriting” approach. In her own brilliant words: “Look…I’m not here to give you anything you don’t already have. I’m just here to help you curate it, and get it out into the world. The right way.”

Have a listen and let me know how it lands for you! I’m really excited about this new podcast and want to keep shaping it around what’s supportive and engaging for YOU.



And if you love it, hit subscribe on your favorite podcast platform so you don’t miss an episode.  They’re weekly now!  We’d so appreciate it if you can leave a 5-star review on Apple podcasts so others can find it and this revolutionary mission around supporting folks with trauma can spread further out into the world. And feel free to forward this to anyone you know who might love it.



PS. Current programs open for enrollment: Creating Safer Healthcare: For Medical Professionals and their Teams.

Creating Safer Space opens in May, 2022!

Join the waitlist.