This is Part 2 of a 2-part series.

Following up on the last episode,  Ryan McGladrey, DOMTP and I bring you more conversations as well as somatic practices around embodying presence and the "how-to's" of meeting each moment.  Some topics we delve into in this episode are:

Listening as a skill: The how-to’s of that + exploring the concept of active receptivity
Going deeper by going lighter
Coming home to ourselves in each moment
How to meet each other with genuine presence
How to welcome what's been exiled and care about anything that shows up with ourselves or  the people we work with

Download the 9-minute guided experience from this episode directly on our website.

We hope that there’s something you can take away and integrate from this episode that will support you in finding home in your mind, heart, and body, and in the present moment.

About Ryan:

Ryan is trained as an osteopath, somatic coach, and body-mind educator, his work is the fruit of over two decades of ongoing study and practice in a wide range of specialized approaches to healing and growth.

He works with clients to resolve pressing life challenges, especially concerning physical function, emotional development, and spiritual motivation. Through addressing restrictions in movement and feeling, Ryan helps people reconnect with their abilities to heal and thrive. He also offers innovative trainings in how to effectively use whole-body intelligence to meet the challenges and possibilities of twenty-first century life.

You can email Ryan at: [email protected]

Connect with Shelby:

Instagram: @fierceheart.shelbyleigh

Body Of Work