In the aftermath of the Remonstrance of 1646, two things happen.  One, Massachusetts deputies and magistrates stay united long enough to implement watered down versions of some of the reforms the deputies had been pushing for all along.  

Second, though, New England set about to declare to the world what the Congregational way to govern a Church was (and by this, I do mean the United Colonies, everyone except Rhode Island).  By rejecting both Presbyterianism (which was too hierarchical, and accepted the inclusion of almost anyone as an individual) and the Independents (a movement comprised of a wide variety of denominations, some of which were quite radical, and others quite heretical), New England found itself growing unpopular in England.  The possibility existed that Parliament would intervene in the future, so they had to write a document which would show exactly how their ideas worked, and the merits of those ideas.  That document became the Cambridge Platform, and it became one of the most important religious documents in American history, and one of the most important documents in American Colonial history.  

Also, Massachusetts executes its first woman for witchcraft.