"This whole idea of 50+ and reinvention – it's real. It's important," says author and speaker Jann Freed. "Because we're active, we're healthier, and we really want to continue to contribute." Freed spent 5 years transitioning out of her full-time teaching career of 30 years before shifting into entrepreneurship as a leadership development consulting. In this conversation with Lesley Jane Seymour she shares the result of her years of research and insights from her books to answer the most-asked questions about reinventing yourself through a personal or career transition. Learn about how grief plays a role in transition, how reinvention is easier for women, and the steps you can take to build relationships to support you. Plus, get Freed's recommended reading list for personal growth and the #1 trick you need to focus on when you're in transition.


Jann Freed

 is a leadership development consultant and speake who focuses on change management and leadership development at all ages and career stages. She specializes in helping employees 50+ find meaning and purpose beyond their careers. She does this through the use of a concept she developed called The Breadcrumb Legacy™, which is now a book, all about creating new meaning for ourselves in our second half of life. 

Dr. Freed is the author or co-author of five books, including Leading with Wisdom: Sage Advice from 100 Experts.

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