“I see the way sports were covered, and it's a lot of BS, and it's just not genuine or authentic," says Emmy-winning TV host Kelli Moore. "I also saw how toxic it was. I was a young woman in my twenties in a male dominated culture, and I dealt with sexual assault, and I didn't feel good about myself. …So I left that career because of the sexual assault, because of the lack of value and worth I felt within myself.” After a 15-year career in television, Moore watched the #MeToo movement erupt into the mainstream and signal that it was her time to speak up. Giving voice to her experience made her a pariah in her industry but catapulted her into a reinvention with a mission to help other women. Now the host of two wildly successful podcasts, Moore continues to embrace the difficult conversations. She shares how journaling, podcasts, and self-empowerment helped her overcome fear, ditch the mean girls, and create her best life yet.


ABOUT KELLI I'm Kelli Moore. I like to think of myself as the master of helping women reinvent themselves. After leaving my 15 year award winning sports television career while simultaneously healing myself of chronic illness, I've been devoted to supporting women in their own self discovery process. Through potent conversations on my top ranked shows, The Naked Mama and OK, Babe., I lead women in their journeys of intimacy, motherhood, and clearing old stories and beliefs to step into who they are becoming. I'm a mama, wife, Co-Founder and CEO of the premiere podcast network, Soulfire Productions.

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