Sociopaths are everywhere and the label might be helpful, but in truth, the sociopathic traits are in all of us. The difference is in the level of intensity of these traits that can help us identify personalities that are going to be highly destructive in a relationship and are worth avoiding. We discuss from personal experience what it’s like to be associated with a sociopath and what you can do to realise in a timely manner and get out before serious damage is done to your well-being.

Here’s what was covered:

"If it’s easy [falling] IN [love], then you can expect it’s likely to be easy OUT." [3:08] How will you know it's not true love yet? [4:25] [..,] because how they respect you while you think differently is a good measure of how mature they are." [4:53] [..,] because when someone builds you up, you almost feel obliged to prove they’re right.” [5:48] "And so if you feel like nothing you seem to do is ever good enough, that is a very good ALARM BELL." [8:34] The way you go about things is often judged by them. You’re supposed to learn the way and they know the way. [12:22] "The whole part of the struggle as a sociopath is being wrong, [they see it as] horrendous and diabolical to their safety." [13:50] "You'll notice also that they actually lie, so automatically that they're telling different stories to your friends. [..,] they're twisting; they're exaggerating to make themselves better." [16:00] "If they don't trust you, the way they address the issues with you […] they’re over possessive, then you know, you need to get out." [17:07] What to do when your partner is a sociopath. [18:00] How to end the relationship with a sociopath with minimal resistant and drama. [20:08] How being a sociopathic helps you end the relationship with a sociopath [23:00] And more!

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