Previous Episode: Being in FLOW
Next Episode: The Sociopath - Part 2

The Sociopath Part I Show Notes

Have you been or are you in a relationship with a sociopath? Or do you or have you worked with one? Once you develop the awareness to understand the traits, you will start to see them everywhere. And they become powerless when you see their games from the beginning. They rely on deception and manipulation and neither of these things are possible when you see what they are doing. We discuss from personal experience what it’s like to be associated with a sociopath and what you can do to realise in a timely manner and get out before serious damage is done to your well-being.


Here’s what was covered:

"Think about someone so obsessed with impressing you to make you feel super fantastic, before they even get to know you. Let that be an ALARM BELL." [05:05] "When they quickly give you their whole life’s story […] their abuse, how they were treated badly, […] a story that you should feel sorry about their life […] Because later, when they treat you badly, they're going to bring up that they’re struggling because of their past. And you’re going to go "oh gosh! I need to save this person!"[06:20] "It's making you feel like being a child again, so that innocence is being established." [7:13] "You’re liking them, [but] expect a lot more pieces [of the puzzle] and the contrast will show up at some point because no one's perfect."[8:00] "Once you become fanatical with anyone, it's no longer realistic." [9:20] "You know what's scary is that feeling [of being intensely love bombed], it's like a drug"- Rachel [9:50] "[..,] who have been abused violently, but they stay in it because of that drug at the beginning makes them live in false hope." [10:20] "The other thing is... He looks at you, like you’re the only woman in the world [..,] you are the princess of all princesses."[11:00] Why can we say that, that someone who makes us feels intoxicated even after the violent abuse, is the man/woman for us? [13:00] Why does devoting or committing to set a future really quickly became an ALARM BELL in a relationship? [13:35]


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