In a thought-provoking interview, Dr. Rob Eschmann, a multifaceted talent from Chicago, unveils the subtle yet pervasive forms of racism in the 21st century. Rooted in his academic journey that began in Chicago Public Schools and culminated in a PhD from the University of Chicago, Dr. Eschmann sheds light on pressing issues, including educational inequality, community violence, and racism. His scholarly work exposes the intricate barriers to racial and economic equity, emphasizing the courageous efforts of everyday individuals in the resistance against these obstacles.

With a scholar-artist's perspective, Dr. Eschmann's book, "When the Hood Comes Off: Racism and Resistance in the Digital Age," delves deep into how technology is transforming our understanding and response to racism. He shares compelling insights on how anonymity online can embolden explicit racism and challenge long-held beliefs. Through his research, he uncovers the unique experiences of individuals responding to racial micro-aggressions and harnessing technology to empower their voices. Dr. Eschmann's interview calls us to action, urging a change in norms and expectations, fostering open dialogue, and inspiring real-world transformative actions within our local communities.

This captivating interview with Dr. Eschmann uncovers the evolving landscape of racism in the digital age, offering both enlightening observations and a powerful call to confront and address these challenges head-on.