journey with me through this podcast as we awaken our senses and sensual living even through the mundane or intensities of life

enjoy whale delights, reflecting sensuous presence, deep breaths, rhythmic flow, activating whale song inspiring us move on from an old fear/fight paradigm around health and self.

rather than fighting disease, we embrace, lovingly, bringing our sensuous presence to activate the transformation and renewal of disease, into new life giving force

where decay gives way to rich prana

awakening to reality you are not an illness, a condition, a circumstances

utilizing external aids, treatments, medicines

enjoy nourishing breath healing practice diving into your sensuous breath, the essence of your being activating the medicine within you and all around you
connecting to your source/guidance. 

join us livestream in March

March 12 Reiki I Training

March 25 advanced Training

March 26-17 Master Training

also available for phone or video sessions wherever you are in the world