Unlock the full potential of your listening abilities with our latest YouTube presentation on Whole Body Listening. In this session, we delve into the art of perceiving guidance from every part of your being:
* Human Guidance: Understanding the wisdom of the lower chakras, your brain, and gut instincts.
* Inner Guidance: Tuning into your heart's voice and your authentic self through the middle chakras.
* Divine Guidance: Connecting with your higher self, imagination, and divine spirit via the upper chakras.

Each segment of your body holds valuable insights and has an equal voice in guiding you. Learn how to:
* Harmonize the brain and gut brain’s instincts with your chakras. 
* Engage your heart's wisdom for authentic guidance.
* Listen to what your spirit and higher self have to say.

Elevate your listening skills and enrich your life with profound inner and outer guidance. Don’t miss out—subscribe now and join us on this enlightening journey!

You can also enjoy a meditation titled: "Whole Body Listening: Chakra Cleansing & Empowerment Reiki Meditation"

**DISCLAIMER** This episode is not a substitute for seeking professional medical care but is offered for relaxation and stress reduction which support the body’s natural healing capabilities. Reiki is a complement to and never a replacement for professional medical care. Colleen and Robyn are not licensed professional health care providers and urge you to always seek out the appropriate physical and mental help professional health care providers may offer. Results vary by individual.

The Reiki Lifestyle® Podcast: The podcast where we talk about all things Reiki! The Reiki Lifestyle Podcast is for all members of the Reiki community, lineages, and levels of training! Reiki questions and topics can be about everything; personal development, spiritual growth, Reiki healing techniques, teaching Reiki, Reiki training, and other professional Reiki business practices. https://reikilifestyle.com/podcast/

Colleen and Robyn can be reached at:

Contact Colleen:
[email protected]
Facebook: @reikilifestyle
Instagram: @colleenbenelli

Contact Robyn:
[email protected]
Facebook/Instagram: @robynbenellireiki